Sunday, March 7, 2021



"all of You 
is more than enough
  for all of me..."

I hope you enjoy this video of Chris Tomlin's beautiful song, "Enough" - I trust you will see how it relates to this story from a number of years ago:

It happened just last night. We were sitting in church. I was conducting the service, and in preparation, I'd pulled together the readings straight from the questions that were pressing on my own heart:  "What do I really need - vs. want?" and "When will I know that I have enough?"

Using those questions as my starting point, I'd felt divinely led - as if on a journey through the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I was searching for the message God intended for our worship service - and for me.  I'd felt inspired by Scripture.  But my initial questions still loomed large.

Once I'd finished readings the selections, and we'd joined in silent prayer, I led the congregation in praying aloud the Lord's Prayer. And it was this line, "Give us this day, our daily bread" that I found myself focusing on with genuine hunger.

After singing the second hymn, and reading the announcements, I opened the meeting for the sharing of gratitude, inspiration and testimonies of healing.

And that was when my friend, Andrew - sitting on the sofa in the half-light of a late summer evening - shared a stunning idea. It was one that answered my question, so perfectly, that it was as if I'd posed my query directly to him,  he'd taken it to God, and come back with the perfect response. 

Andrew started his remarks by sharing gratitude for what he was learning from the inmates he visited during his volunteer work at a local jail.  And then, he referred back to one of the statements that I'd read - twice actually - from Science and Health,  as the definition of the word, "enough:"

"Unfathomable Mind is expressed. 
 The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, 
 and glory of infinite Love fill all space. 
 That is enough!"

It actually took my breath away. It was as if little prickles of energy - and a million fireflies - were lighting up my insides. I actually think I may have gasped.

This was the clear and simple answer I had been listening for.  As I'd prepared for the service, there were two words that had kept poking at me:  "need" and "enough."  
 I knew what I most needed.  Again from Mary Baker Eddy:

"What we most need is the fervent desire for growth in grace, 
 expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds."

And this had long become my answer the question of "need."  When suggestions came from within, "I need to know what is next," or "I need to feel thus and so: peace, comfort, love, in order to be - you name it:  happy, satisfied, joyful.." Whenever those false "needs" would project themselves as conditional to my peace, with Eddy's direction, it had become my practice to claim, "No, what I actually need is the burning desire for growth in grace - expressed in patience, meekness, love, and good deeds. 

But the answer to the questions, "What is enough?" "When will I have enough?"  "What would enough look like?" Well, for those questions, I didn't seem to have an answer that satisfied my hunger for something simple, clear, comprehensive, practical - and most importantly - spiritual. 

But Andrew's answer met all of those criteria - perfectly.  And I claimed it, immediately, for myself as one of my five smooth stones for taking down the Goliath suggestion of: "never enough."

I have since discovered that it is truly one of the most wonderful spiritual tools to have at the ready. When the inner critic tries to say I don't have enough, I never will have enough, or that I wouldn't know enough if it bit me on the backside, I can confidently go back to:

"The depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, 
 and glory of infinite Love fill all space." 

Do I need more money, more information, more praise, more entertainment, more comfort -- more, more, more? No, what I need - what I really,  truly, and practically need more of is growth in grace -- patience, meekness, love and good deeds.  

And the depth, breadth, height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love filling all space is exactly what will meet that need perfectly.  In fact, it is the only thing that can, or will, ever satisfy what I most need.

That is my answer to what is "enough." And it will always be enough.  Love filling all space.  Love governing every heart.  Love filling every moment with opportunity for spiritual self-realization.  Love satisfying every need to trust more, and worry less.  Love redeeming every "wrathful and afflictive" experience as the perfect opportunity to entertain angels unawares.  Love filling the earth with the gladness of growth, the affluence of freshness, the height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite beauty and grace.  

Yes, it is enough. It is always enough.

with Love, 


1 comment:

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